When was the last time you chased a pigeon? I could say that I have not partaken in such an elementary activity in years, and that I am much too composed and sophisticated to be caught doing something quite so ridiculous...but that would be a lie. I chased a pigeon on Saturday. The funny thing about chasing a pigeon is I never expect to catch one. What would I do with a pigeon?
I think I secretly enjoy chasing things I never plan to catch. I tend to run down the daydream trail several extra strides before retreating back to reality. I have ideas that are "just crazy enough to work." I chase pigeons.
My friend, Elizabeth, encourages chasing pigeons. We fall into the personality type of "Idealists," which is code for "pigeon chasers," making trips down shared crazy idea trails quite dangerous. Anything is possible and everything has a silver lining. Our first big pigeon truly is just crazy enough to work.
We want to backpack through Europe, but being poor college graduates, we needed a financial plan to carry us through. Working in cities along the way would be the normal way to fund such a trip, but was much too boring for our dream trail. So we chased a pigeon.
We thought through documenting our journey in a blog or a book. We talked about getting sponsors as if we were professional snowboarders. We even conversed about the awkwardness of passing people in hallways. Do you make eye contact or look away? As a solution, we proposed spontaneous races, model walks, and high fives. We searched youtube for examples, but none were there. The market was wide open. We could create awkward meetings in hallways all over Europe and get youtube to sponsor us. Is this logical or even something we would attempt?
It might be just crazy enough to work. It's a pigeon, and I'm chasing it. What are you chasing?
Oh, we're really doing that now? haha. I'm glad you didn't mention our other "pigeon."
Maybe I should say "I chased it" instead. I think our other pigeon replaced it for the time being... if we ever catch that one and figure out what to do with it maybe we'll return to this one.
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