I am thankful for: being able to always know that God is faithful regardless, my precious church at home and in Nashville and the wonderful, solid teaching that I get to sit under each Sunday, my family and seeing both sides of extended family today, my job and the drive, passion, encouragement, and friendship of those I have the opportunity to serve alongside, camp and all that it's done in my life and the lives of others, "heart to heart" times with precious friends, the ability to dance and run, great Godly roommates, holiday seasons,friends like Stephanie Archer who stop for more than an hour to catch up on their way home, Christmas music, coffee and Bongo Java/Fido, iPods, Warner Parks in Nashville to run in, wifi, a great childhood...I could go on forever...but I'm headed to eat so turkey with my family!
What are you thankful for?
Wow, there is a lot I should be thankful for, yet often times I find myself taking advantage of things. I guess some of us really do not appreciate things/people until they are gone; till we must do with out them. So, I am thankful that God does not give up on us and if he is with us, he will be with us till the end.
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