
April 20, 2010

Beautiful, Radical Revolution

So... at work we have a "reading group." Call it a book club if you want, but I will deny I know what you are talking about. "Reading group" sounds so much more distinguished, so much more...ehh...not as lame? Nonetheless, I really enjoy our conversations, and this thought spurred from last week's conversation of Personal Development for Smart People. I don't recommend this book, but I do recommend you read this post, so that counts for something.

Pavlina talks about turning in Calculus homework on index cards in crayon. He rebelled against the common and the expected. I'm sure his teacher thought he was certifiably insane, but this was one of his small rebellions. As laughable as that truly is, it led me to the thought of change. Isn't every change we make a small rebellion against what we know and how it's always been done?

I want to be the leader of rebellions. I want to rebel against ordinary, against legalism, against popular consent, and against those things that are at war with the Truth. Change is scary and rebellion is discouraged. Most of my "rebellions"are within the confines of acceptability, but I have begun to wonder what would really happen if they were not. Would my world topple or implode? Or would the world as a whole be a better place because I'm in it?

I started reading Seth Godin's Linchpin tonight...and so far I do recommend it. He writes, "Artists are people with a genius for finding a new answer, a new connection, or a new way of getting things done."Artists are rebels. Artists lead revolutions. Revolutions take people by surprise. They are rare. The artists who get remembered are those who do something no one has ever done before. Artists do what they love, even if it won't make them a ton of money. Artists show their humanity, rather than mindlessly doing the tasks of the day. Artists let the creativity grow, instead of stifling it in what "should" be.

As Christians, we are called to be a beautiful, radical rebellion. We are called to rebel against the confines of the world, and to be the light that battles the darkness. We have lost our spirit of rebellion, of being different, and of living a lifestyle that surprises others because it is so revolutionary.

I am an artist, starving for revolution...starving for creativity...starving for life...and starving for something other than ordinary. Never be satisfied in a desire to be revolutionary. 

 Do you immediately know what company this belongs to?
Apple has led a revolution, and people have totally jumped on board. They changed the way we think of technology.
Or how about Facebook? Revolutionary.  Facebook single-handedly changed the way we think of connecting with people.

What revolution will you lead?


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