
July 16, 2010

Living the Dream

I've been off the social media radar for the past few months. I've been a little busy with CentriKid Camps, living the dream of ministering to kids and adults day in and day out. I am a people-person---but I sit at a desk for 9 months so that I can personally connect with the ministry of camp for 3. Beginning May 27th, my summer has been consumed with directing a wonderful group of individuals who have come together to love on kids because of the love that Christ has poured out on us. Each day, I get to hang out with the adults each morning... and lead my FAVORITE part of the week on Wednesdays: Church Group Leader Recreation... while my sweet staff are leading Bible study and recreation for kids. Then, staff teaches tracks, we lead worship, hang with church groups, and throw a boys vs girls party at night. I am so blessed to be a part of this team. We've had stomach virus epidemics and Ryder truck breakdowns (plural)...but CK7 has proved to be the most flexible, most Christ-like, and most genuine team I've ever been a part of. It's unbelievable. God has taught me so much about leadership and ministry this summer. Here are a few pictures from camp so far...
My team::CK7::CK Flexible/CK Stomach Virus
We are talking about what it means to be adopted into God's family this summer. My favorite quotes from this week came from three kids I had the opportunity to talk with about the Lord... two of the three are newly adopted into God's family!
Chase: during worship one night leaned over and said, "Miss Mary, I have a question. I think I made a decision to follow God a year ago, but I'm not sure I knew I wanted to shine my light on Him, but I do. Can we talk about that?"
Victoria: "I was adopted tonight! We are now SISTERS!!"
Claire: "I want to be a children of God."
Church Group Leaders at Recreation::My favorite part of the week!
  OMC with the leaders of our team. 
Giving away the Group Leader of the Day Award to Todd Stevens, a rockstar of a church leader.

What a blessing it is to be part of something that is so much bigger than myself! Camp rocks my world and has been a blessing this summer. We have 3 more weeks at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD before we head back to Nashville. Be praying the Lord will open hearts and that He will use us as his tool to tell others about Him during this time!


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